Completing a cross-country bike ride is undoubtedly an extraordinary achievement, but the journey doesn’t end at the finish line. As we wrap up the 2023 cycling season, we wanted to discuss some of the common side effects you might experience adjusting to life after a cycling journey.
The struggles can be both physical and emotional. Your body, which has endured countless miles and harsh weather conditions, may still require some recovery time. Your stomach will go through an adjustment period as it takes a while for it to realize it no longer needs food every 2 hours because you are no longer burning thousands of calories each day.
Additionally, the routine and sense of purpose that defined your days on the road suddenly vanish and adjusting to “real life” once you get home can be challenging. There’s a feeling of post-adventure blues, as the exhilaration of the open road is replaced by a sense of restlessness.
Nevertheless, the lessons learned, the memories made, and the indomitable spirit developed during the journey can help you navigate these post-ride struggles. You are left with a profound sense of accomplishment and the knowledge that you can conquer any challenge life presents, one day at a time.
Fortunately, each year there are new routes coming which will give you many new ride options to fit your schedule and give you new places to explore. So, as we remember the good times from the summer, enjoy sleeping in your bed where hopefully nobody is snoring nearby. Appreciate the fact that you always know where you can do your laundry and be grateful you won’t need to pack up your sleeping mat until your next adventure.
The vans and trailers happily hibernating in Virginia till the start of the 2024 season.
Share YOUR Advice
Share your story of adjusting to life after a cycling journey a post trip blues. Have advice on how to get back in the saddle? Please share in the comments below!
Unclip your cleats, dip that tire, and pop some champagne. It’s time to celebrate a successful 2023 season for Bike the US for MS and our MS bike ride fundraisers.
In addition to our classic cross country bike tour, the Northern Tier, and long distance cycle tours up the Atlantic Coast, and down the Pacific Coast, we offered two new week long rides in our 2023 season. The Olympic Peninsula Loop that started and finished in Seattle, and The GAP and C&O trail ride that started in Pittsburgh and finished in Washington, D.C.
With the help of 80+ cyclists putting on a Bike the US for MS jersey, and the hundreds of supporters behind them, our 2023 teams were able to raise over $214,000 to go towards improving the lives of those living with multiple sclerosis!
Check out each team’s adventure with our photo recap, and how to be a part of our 2024 season.
The Atlantic Coast
From the sandy beaches of Florida to the rocky coast of Maine
We kicked off the season in sunny St Augustine, Florida in April. The ride was full of challenges out on the road, but it is great to see that over half the team has signed up to take on another adventure with us in 2024.
The team was able to visit an assisted living center outside of Philadelphia, work together on a service project, and make a virtual donation to the MS Alliance of Virginia.
“Through the many interactions you’ll have along the way, a Bike the US for MS ride has the potential to make a good person even better. The perfect solution to improve one’s body, mind and soul.”
Atlantic Coast 2023 Team Member
Northern Tier
A small group with big heart
While only a core group of 8 team members made the full trip from Bar Harbor, ME to Seattle, WA, a handful of segment cyclists joined them along the way. Sharing the adventure, the group turned a set of strangers into close friends.
The team was able to complete service projects in Cleveland and Bismarck, as well as make a donation to the Fairview MS Achievement and spend a life affirming afternoon with them.
“Each day presented a brand new challenge that was a journey of its own, giving me the chance to appreciate this country’s beauty, be reminded of the goodness of kind people, renew my humility, reinvigorate my spirit, and hopefully grow as a person”
Northern Tier 2023 Team Member
The Olympic Peninsula
A new route with familiar faces
With 40 team members, this was our biggest group in years! It made Seattle feel like an alumni family reunion reminiscent of our 10 year reunion.
In just a week’s riding, the Olympic Peninsula Loop created an adventure-packed journey, from misty mornings and scenic ferry rides to relaxing beachside rest stops. Amidst the towering beauty of PNW forests, our team shared laughter and memories from their many years of riding with Bike the US for MS, dating as far back as 2009. We were fortunate to cap off the trip with a fantastic celebration and check donation to the Swedish MS Center.
“I’m always blown away by the positivity, resilience, and kindness of Bike the US for MS cyclists. BTUSFMS is like adult summer camp: you’ll come away as a stronger, better person with some amazing stories and lifelong friends you can’t wait to see again.”
Olympic Peninsula 2023 Team Member
Pacific Coast Bike Route
Rolling Waves and Redwoods
Embarking on our 2023 Pacific Coast adventure from Seattle to San Diego was a blast! Our crew of 12, mostly Bike the US for MS alumni, tackled the 32-day journey like champs. Two team members faced the challenges of cycling with multiple sclerosis, reminding us that supporting those affected by MS lies at the heart of our mission.
It wasn’t all serious pedaling. We mixed in a ton of fun – beach shenanigans and nights camping under the towering Redwoods. We will be back for more in 2024, this time in July. Be sure to check out the Pacific Coast bike route as you’re next adventure.
“My favorite experience on the Pac Coast ride was waking up and leisurely riding through the Redwood Forest. Watching the sun rays make their way through the trees and listening to the birds sing their morning song.”
Pacific Coast 2023 Team Member
The GAP and C&O
A trip of firsts
This was our first time leading a trip on The GAP (Great Alleghany Pass) and C&O (Chesapeake and Ohio) canal from Pittsburgh to Washington D.C. It was also our first car-free trail ride and first camping optional trip thanks to our six generous hosts! A little mud to round out our Fall season never hurt anyone right?
The decision to repeat the route in 2024 is a testament to the appeal of this adventure! This time, we’re extending it to 6 days of riding, eager to relive the scenic beauty of the Eastern Continental Divide. Keen for the GAP & C&O in 2024? One tip, 28mm tyres or bigger are best.
“Lovely, safe gravel riding. BTUSFMS understands how to support riders of all abilities and experience levels, while creating a supportive and memorable team atmosphere.”
GAP & C&O 2023 Team Member
Ready for your next MS bike ride?
Feeling inspired to ride in 2024?
Our 2023 cycling season may have come to a close, but 2024 is just around the corner! Don’t forget our new adventures including our March MS Bike Ride Florida coastal bike route, featuring a 3 day Florida Keys Bike Trail weekend, as well as our North Lakes adventure from Minneapolis to Chicago in August.
The TransAmerica cross country cycle route is BACK and already has 12 riders signed up! Be sure to join the team or check out our full schedule of rides. See you in 2024!