A TAILWINDS feature by Alumni Coordinators Neil McCallum and Kelly Wolf
The recent Olympic Peninsula ride provided a perfect opportunity for an impromptu alumni reunion. Many hugs and stories were exchanged. What a wonderful opportunity to create and renew friendships! Our alumni are very dedicated to the cause of helping those living with MS. Hear from those on the ride and others that were with Bike the US for MS in 2023.
Colin Berg – 2015 Alumni
Riding the 2023 Olympic Peninsula Loop was like being at a family reunion. So great to see so many familiar faces and to catch up with everyone, in some cases after several years. And what better setting than the Pacific North West?
Rivers, ocean, sound, strait; mountains, valleys, rollers; forests; bobcats, elk, deer; and people—amazing people. So much fun, so humbling to see the appreciation for our efforts in the faces of the MS group in Sequim and the woman in Port Angeles who called out from her car, “Thank you! My daughter has MS!”
Loved the accessibility of the short, week-long route, although the end came too soon (maybe we should have gone around twice…).

Dave Chiarello – 2011 Alumni
The Olympic Peninsula was a glimpse into the future of what Bike the US for MS can do in short format ride, huge participation and even bigger fundraising dollars were amassed. Duncan’s hard work detailing every part of the ride made it easy to execute, bravo Duncan!
The bulk of the 34 cyclists were alumni from across a decade of different cross-country rides. Stories were told, ideas shared, and new cyclists were welcomed and turned into alumni. The broad spectrum of backgrounds and personalities that come together on these trips are what keep everyone coming back for more!
James and Duncan have great vision for the future of this organization, let’s keep riding, continue fundraising and making a difference for those living with MS.
Kaylyn Messenger – 2015 Alumni
What a stellar week! Being back on the road with Bike the US for MS for the Olympic Peninsula was such a powerful experience. Seeing so many old friends who are still connected to the cause reminded me of the major impact this organization makes on the lives of those involved. I can’t wait to sign up for my next ride!

Amanda Williams – 2014 Alumni
Thanks to an alumni email, I “Adopted the Stop” in Alexandria VA on May 9th. When I took bananas, mandarins, muffins, and applesauce to the group of Bike the US for MS “strangers” touring the Atlantic Coast, I had no idea I was about to change the trajectory of my summer and possibly my life.
I met the riders, reconnected with Doctor Nick Patrone, and met Route Leader Jeremy Francis, who quickly became a close friend. Within days, I was signed up for the Minneapolis to Bismarck leg of the Northern Tier. I had no idea that would lead to eleven new friends that I’d share both laughter and tears with amongst the 500 miles I’d ride.
Returning home, I felt drawn to surprise the team at the finish in Seattle, but knew I’d also get the opportunity to see alumni friends from my previous segment tours on the TransAm (2014) and NoTier (2015). And, boy, was it a party!
The Alumni Connection
It was so fun to reconnect with many of my friends, and it was also impressive to see so many other alumni who traveled from afar just for the finish, such as Gayle Fothergill (whom I rode with in 2015) and Robert Morris (whom I had been Facebook friends with since 2015 but had never met)! The finish line party was filled with smiles and tears, and the brewery after-party was filled with laughter, sharing memories, and making new friends.

This was yet another incredible experience with BTUSFMS, one that will forever remain special to me for so many reasons; new best friends, a new partner, great memories and miles, reconnecting with old friends, and sharing the love for BTUSFMS and all that this organization stands for.
The Alumni Family
It never ceases to amaze me how BTUSFMS brings people together who remain lifelong friends on incredible cross-country rides, while simultaneously raising hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to support those living with MS and also raising awareness about the disease.
I’m guessing founder Don Fraser had no idea the reach, impact, and connections he was creating when he wanted to start this organization for his mom. Thank you, Don, for creating this for all of us alumni and for everyone impacted by multiple sclerosis! And thank you to all the BTUSFMS staff and route leaders who make these experiences memorable. Can’t wait for the next ride!
Gayle Fothergill – 2015 Alumni
I have had the awesome pleasure to have participated in three rides with Bike the US for MS: Northern Tier, Pacific Coast, and Atlantic Coast. This was my first experience ever with a cross-country bike ride. The people I have met over the years have had an impact on me.

The range of ages, careers, personalities have made for quite an eclectic group of amazing people out for a common cause—-to help stop MS!! I had the pleasure of driving from my home state of Idaho over to Seattle Washington this summer to see the group off for the first ever Olympic Peninsula Bike Tour for MS on August 6th. It was so great to see former alumni that I have met over the years and catch up on their lives.
As long as I can pedal my bike, I hope to join other MS rides in the coming years. Ride on!

Emma Regan – 2023 Northern Tier
This summer was my first trip with Bike the US for MS, and we were a tiny but mighty crew! With just four cross country cyclists, four route leaders, seven segment riders, and our team “mom” in her Subaru, we made up a historically small team.
We were so fortunate to have support from so many alumni throughout the trip. Several alumni joined us along the route to bring us food and share their company. We all know how precious a good meal or hearty snacks are on the long days.
I was always seeing messages and comments of support on our social media pages. And I was touched to see all the alumni who cheered us in when we rode into Seattle in August after 70 days. Between the families who came out to meet us, the alumni who were preparing to start the OP, and other alumni who just live in the area, we came together in Seattle largely as strangers.

There’s no community like the Bike the US for MS family
Even though we were on different tours in different years, we have an instant connection and something in common with each other. We all love to ride bikes and we love Bike the US for MS! From all of us on the 2023 Northern Tier team, huge thanks to all of you alumni who supported us from near and afar!
When I signed up to lead this team in February, I had no idea of the whole community that existed behind Bike the US for MS. I learned quickly about the many alumni who sign up for another ride, come back to be route leaders, or join for a segment now that they know the tour is coming through their state.
There are so many repeat names written in sharpie in the trailer! I was surprised and delighted to learn that the new Olympic Peninsula route was not only totally booked, but entirely filled by alumni and friends of the organization.
I love to see the engagement over voting for a Great Lakes or Grand Canyon tour next year! It says something special about Bike the US for MS, that they keep drawing people back for another trip.
I am honored to be a part of the BTUSFMS alumni community now and look forward to paying forward the generosity we experienced this summer to the 2024 teams!
Adam Hunter – 2016 Alumni
It was awesome to connect with alumni from every era of our long mutual journey. I particularly enjoyed connecting with folks from the very early days of Bike the US for MS and hearing all the cool stories about how everything got started.
I particularly enjoyed riding with Kevin and also meeting Mason at the end of the ride; it was so cool to hear their perspective and think about how long we’ve been around! Here’s to many more years ahead.