Bike the US for MS – the Meaning of Thanksgiving!
T – Tenacious and Caring Riders, Tailwinds
H – Hosts, Wonderful & Giving
A – Alumni, always coming back for more!
N – Nights in sleeping bags
K – Kindness of Strangers
S – Supporting MS research and those living with MS
G – Gratitude for our Donors
I – Injuries, minimal
V – View from the saddle
I – Improving fitness
N – Nature on display
G – God Bless us all!

On every Bike the US for MS ride, there are so many times where we gather together for a feast and appreciate what we have. We’ve got the photo evidence to prove it!
This November, as our Alumni gather around our virtual Thanksgiving table, please let us know what you are thankful for. Please visit the comments section below to give us your thoughts and include your name, hometown and BTUSFMS routes!

A few things that we at Bike the US for MS are thankful for:
“I am thankful for the BTUSFMS “Family” and friends that give so much in support of those living with MS.”
— Niel McCallum, Madison, WI – Northern Tier ‘15, Pacific Coast ‘17, Atlantic Coast ‘19, Trans Am ‘22, North Lakes ‘24
“I’m thankful for all the incredible support I and we have had as an organization over the last 12 months. With my family doubling in size following the birth of our twins in April, it’s safe to say life has been a little upside down. But every time it feels like too much, someone has reached out a hand to support whether that’s in person or by supporting us in our MS mission.”
— James Whateley, Vancouver, BC – Global Executive Director
“I’m thankful that every year hundreds of our hosts, alumni, and cyclists get together to make the world a more caring place, and have an adventure in the process.”
— Duncan Moore, San Francisco, CA – Program Manager and all-around superstar
“I am thankful for the incredible friends and mentors that I have gained because of BTUSFMS. I have learned so much from being a part of this organization and every day I am inspired by everyone who is a part of this family, from accommodation hosts to die-hard alumni – I admire you all to the utmost.”
— Rayna Simons, Seattle, WA – Program Coordinator

Don’t just give thanks – give back! Support the Nina Fraser Scholarship Fund
At BTUSFMS, we also want to acknowledge that thanksgiving is also about giving back to others. Our Nina Fraser Scholarship is a fund that allows us to cover the cost of our trips for cyclists living with MS. This gives these riders with MS the amazing adventures that our rides offer.
If you’re grateful for the incredible places you’ve explored and the people you’ve gotten to connect with on one of our rides, consider donating to the Nina Fraser Scholarship Fund this Thanksgiving. Also, keep an eye out for our Giving Tuesday fundraising push on December 3rd – all donations will benefit the scholarship fund!